wraithhounds commissions

commissions are open!


By commissioning me, you agree to my terms of service. Violation of these terms of service may result in your commission being denied, cancelled, or permission of use being revoked.If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

terms of service

I hold and enact the right to deny or cancel any commission at any point. If I choose to cancel the commission past the point of payment, you will be refunded the full price.Payment is through PayPal only, unless offered differently. All prices are in USD.Payment must occur after the sketch has been completed and approved by the commissioner.The commissioner will be given consistent updates throughout the process, and may request changes at any point in the progress. Major changes later on may pose issues, and additional payment may be required on a case-by-case basis.

I will draw:
- Humanoids
- Feral animals
- Anthro animals
- Original characters
- Non-original characters
- Blood, gore, violence
- Character death
I will not draw:
- NSFW or fetish content
- Hateful or bigoted content
- Substances (alcohol/drugs)
- Political or religious content
I reserve the right to refuse a commission due to the content requested.

Copyright and SharingMy artwork is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND. Violation of such is a violation of the law. I reserve all rights to pursue legal action if necessary.I reserve the right to post the completed commission on any social media and share it with other persons.The characters depicted in completed commissions are owned by the original creators and I hold no rights over them.My art may not be used for any NFT or digital form of currencies.My art may not be used for any AI (artificial intelligence) software.

Turnaround and ProcessI am a student and find myself very busy at times. Turnaround times may be between 2 days and 2 weeks, roughly. Special circumstances may cause them to take longer, however they will be communicated with the commissioner.Deadlines must be communicated between myself and the commissioner prior to the commission being accepted. I can work with almost every deadline with proper notice.Work in progress images will be provided to the commissioner when the sketch is completed and at any other requested point. The commissioner will be able to request any changes at the sketch stage, and will be required to approve said sketch.Payment must be given after the sketch has been approved by the commissioner. If circumstances require a different payment time, please communicate such with myself.


Options marked with a strikethrough are currently unavailable for various reasons.

Sketch + Color$5
Lined + Color$10
Color + Shading$15
Add Background+$5
Sketch + Color$15
Lined + Color$20
Color + Shading$30
Add Background+$20
Reference Sheets 
Contact for quote$30-100+

All prices are in USD (US Dollar) and paid through PayPal.Simple reference sheets include a fullbody, color palette, close-up details, character name, allegiance, and pronouns.
Complex reference sheets include two fullbodies, a headshot, color palette, close-up details, character name, allegiance, and pronouns.
Prices may vary based on character design and complexity of the commission. We will work out a finalized price upon showing interest in a commission.Animation can be requested, however prices will be considerably higher than listed here. Please contact me if you are interested.If you want something that you don't see on here, please contact me and let me know! I am more than willing to work out a price and details.


contact me


best means of contact is over discord
second best is through email
[email protected]
third best is over instagram
last form of contact is twitter